Heat plan: 5 tips on how your plants will survive the heat

We’ve all seen the weather forecast; it’s going to be sizzling hot over the next few days. This affects us as humans – sweat spots, bad sleep and dry mouth – but our green amigos just as much. To make sure they are not all greenhouse plants after this week, we give 5 tips below that will help your plants keep their cool.


1. Avoid direct sunlight
The sun is extremely bright at the moment and can easily burn many houseplants if they are directly in front of the window. So temporarily move your plants to a shadier spot to keep them cooler. For the smart ones: rubbing in is of no use.


2. Water in the morning or evening
If possible, water early in the morning or later in the evening. It is then less warm so the water does not evaporate as quickly and the roots have more time to absorb the water.

During these hot days, you can assume that your plant will need twice as much water as normal. Keep in mind what kind of plant you have and estimate how much water your amigo needs based on its potting soil. Want to know the exact amount? Our Plantsome app takes the weather forecast into account and notifies you with the exact amount of water your plant needs.

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