6 tips to help your plants survive the holidays

Summer is just around the corner and you’ve probably already made your holiday plans! Whether you’re stuck in traffic jams in your caravan to the south of France or bivouacking in a cabin in the Veluwe, your green housemates are going to miss you. Luckily, we’ve thought of them! In this blog, we give you 6 tips so you don’t neglect your housemates during your well-earned holiday.


1. Less sunlight
The less light plants get, the less water they need for photosynthesis. But don’t move all your plants to a dark basement right now, because they won’t tolerate too little light. Move your plants a few metres away from the window or close the curtains a bit further. That way, your green friend and soon your water reserves will last a bit longer.


2. Water enough before leaving
This is the obvious one, but make sure that all your plants are well watered just before you leave. If you can, put your plants under the tap so that the soil is well watered but no water remains at the bottom of the pot. That way they will last a few more days without your loving attention. Our Gerrit the Watering can is not the most difficult guy. He is only too happy to help you with this noble task.


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